Thursday, February 28, 2013

Rosa Parks Changed The History Of America!

I want to talk about Rosa Parks today because we've been recently talking about her in school and I like the way that she stood up for her believes. She did something huge without even meaning to do it in the first place.
Rosa Parks was born on February 4, 1913  in Alabama. She was an African-American civil rights activist, whom the U.S. Congress called "the first lady of civil rights" and "the mother of the freedom movement".
I am still learning about her, so I will write more later.

I told my mom that if I was there with Rosa Parks, I'll join the boycott with her even when I'm not black. Because segregation was unfair. If it wasn't for people like Abraham Lincoln, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King Jr. and others, some of my friends wouldn't be in my class today. That's why I think people should stand up for fairness and equality.
Rosa Parks

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Abraham Lincoln

Who was Abraham Lincoln?
I learned about him in kindergarten last year and since then I've been collecting all the information I can about him. Right now I can say he is my favorite person in history. Here are some things I know about him.He was the 16th President of United States of America, from 1861 to 1865. Abraham Lincoln was born in log cabin in Hodgenville Kentucky, February 12 1809.
He was a very tall man (6'4"), do you know that some people believe he had Marfan Syndrome, I have Marfan Syndrome too, just like him.
Some facts that I know about Abraham Lincoln:
My first visit to the Lincoln memorial
  • He was married to Mary Todd
  • He helped end slavery
  • He was killed in Ford's theater
  • John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln on April 14, 1865
  • The play he was watching was "Our American cousin"
  • His nickname was "honest Abe"
  • Before president he was a lawyer
  • The president after him was Andrew Johnson 
  • He loved to read
  • He is in the five dollars bill and the penny 
  • He is often  called America's greatest president
  • He moved to Springfield
  • They had  four children (boys) but only one of them survived past eighteen
  • .Lincoln was president during the civil war

What was the civil war about?

Well this is what I know about the civil war.The South wanted to separate from the U.S.A and call themselves the Confederate States of America, and the north states where the Union States of America. They were fighting because the south didn't agree  with Mr. president.The South wanted slaves and the North didn't..The South had 11 States (their uniform was gray) and the North had 23 States (uniform was blue).  

Who is Alana?

Hello, my name is Alana Heloise Gonzalez-Seijo I was born on November 21 2005, in San Juan, Puerto Rico. I am seven years old  and now I live in Virginia beach, with my two sisters and my parents.I really love everyrhing about history and I was hoping I could  share some with you.